8 Years of Invention & Leadership

January 2017 to January 2025

Eight years ago, Urban-Air Port’s parent company Six Miles Across London (small.) was approached by Airbus SAS to explore the world of Urban Air Mobility.

The team were tasked to create an exploratory design challenge as part of a social engagement programme but our team also set out their vision for the future and created this short film including some of the early Airbus eVTOL concepts, summarising what Urban Air Mobility infrastructure could look like across all transects of a city.

This was conceived in January 2017.

A vision of Urban-Air Mobility set in 2018 by Urban-Air Port parent company Six Miles Across London (small.)

As I recall it, I spoke to Ricky at small. and two other world leading architects one Danish (Bjarke Ingels Group) and one Dutch (MVRDV) & MIT Media Lab

The small. proposal was clearly the strongest, most visionary & with proven knowhow and capability in simulation, and computational design.

I believe the infrastructure focus then and to this day, is still, the most critical piece to scale eVTOL technology.

With Urban-Air Port’s multi-patented vertiport technologies to mitigate the negative aspects of eVTOL aircraft inc. downwash, outwash, space requirements, costs and even noise - its only a matter of time before all of the serious players realise and engage with the brilliant minds at Urban-Air Port.
— Mathias Thomsen, President & Co Founder Acute Networks (Ex Airbus VP & GM, Ex Uber GM)

Mathias has held a seat on Urban-Air Port’s Advisory Board since 2019 and continues to shine a light on the pressing issues impacting the future of aviation.

In 2017 we knew a lot less than we do today. In the last 8 years we as a company have created new patents, meaning we have advanced human knowledge, we have set new precedents and built global firsts, we have promoted a new industry creating 000’s of jobs, supported Governments, challenged regulators & forced dialogue on important issues such as eVTOL downwash & outwash, we have developed detailed fire mitigation & safety strategies, noise mitigation technologies and state of the art landing & charging systems that require less space, less Capex, less Opex and have advised some of the biggest names from Hyundai Motor Group to Honda Motors on business models and Vertiport infrastructure.

We, uniquely, know a lot more today than we did 8 years ago.

If you are interested to find out what the next pivotal 8 years might look like for Urban Air Mobility and eVTOL - get in touch and utilise our Strategic Advisory services and we can chart that course with you.

Between 2025 - 2033 a lot will happen across the world with a new President in the US, LA 28 Summer Olympics, Riyadh Expo 2030, a surge in the Low Altitude Economy across China, eVTOL Certifications by the FAA in the US, ambitious new Giga projects in Saudi Arabia & the GCC & of course India, the worlds largest democracy and most populous country catching up and possibly leap-frogging other nations.

Hit the button above or below and lets navigate the next 8 years with the most viable, cutting edge and sustainable technologies built by us & our partners including the likes of Supernal & LG Electronics and access world leading intelligence from our expert team that boasts 10 Ex eVTOL pioneers, builders & leaders inc. Mathias.

About Urban-Air Port®

Urban-Air Port is an award-winning infrastructure provider that develops landing and charging infrastructure for new forms of sustainable urban air transport such as passenger and cargo VTOL air taxis and autonomous delivery drones. Its mission is to enable the electrification of aviation by addressing the largest single constraint to sustainable air mobility – ground infrastructure – in order to create a zero-emission mobility ecosystem, significantly cutting congestion and air pollution from passenger and cargo transport.

Urban-Air Port is recognised as a world leader in the Advanced Air Mobility sector, with plans to deliver patented vertiport technology that provides ultra-compact, high-capacity infrastructure: this will revolutionise cities around the world, making them more connected and cleaner, thereby accelerating our green economic future. Urban-Air Port’s technology is proven to respond more effectively to the unique characteristics of electric & hybrid VTOL aircraft and therefore offer safer, quieter and more sustainable vertiport infrastructure than any other provider.

The Urban-Air Port technology-driven “Vertical Airfield” compacts a conventional airfield and allows for safe electric vertical take-off and landing at height, acting like an aircraft carrier. Urban-Air Port vertiports are 80% smaller than any other provider: they provide a modular design for flexible expansion, maximise eVTOL throughput and come with a modular energy storage system – all in all providing an enhanced passenger experience, and optimum performance and range for the eVTOL due to minimised energy consumption during ground operations.

­­Urban-Air Port’s Air-One project in Coventry, launched in April 2022 and supported by UK Government Research and Innovation funding, was the world’s first fully operational vertiport in such dense downtown location, with over 15,000 visitors and 150 successful flights orchestrated in the complex urban and air environment of downtown Coventry and within Coventry Airport’s Flight Restriction Zone.  

The company is backed by major international partners, including Supernal (a part of Hyundai Motor Group) and Directors of M7 Real Estate (part of Oxford Properties). Urban-Air Port’s team of innovators, aeronautical engineers and aerospace experts have worked at companies including Airbus, Foster + Partners, Arup, BAA, Bank of Ireland, Knight Frank, McKinsey, Hyundai Motor Group, Vertical Aerospace, EASA, NATS, Uber, Qatar Airways, H55, Otto Aviation and the US Special Forces & British Army.

Visit www.urbanairport.com for more information and follow us on LinkedIn.


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BAI Energy picks Urban-Air Port to transform aviation infrastructure across Italy.